It’s no secret that I love to hike, so when my husband and I got to be guests at a wedding in the White Mountains….I really wanted to make a whole weekend of it.
Alison and I got the crazy idea to hike Mt. Willard and then take headshots of each other…without thinking about how hot and sweaty we would be afterwards lol
Mt. Willard was an awesome hike, I love it…it is one of the best views in the Whites for minimal effort, and on the 52 with a view list! My husband and I had hiked it before so we were excited to bring Amelia to the top for her first real mountain hike.
The views were incredible, and we all had a great time.
We hung out at the AMC highland center for a while and grabbed some lunch and some water after the hike…the highland center has amazing views of the Notch and beautiful lupines growing all around it! It was the perfect spot for some headshots. We quickly changed in the bathrooms, and grabbed some no makeup, sweaty headshots after.
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